OpenID Connect Plugin
The OIDC plugin supports two-way of integrations:
- Saleor as a client for authorization server - uses authorization code flow to authorize user.
- Saleor as a resource server - grant access users to Saleor by using the OAuth access token
Go to Configuration -> Plugins -> OpenID Connect and fill in the fields:
- Client ID: Your client ID, required to authenticate on the OAuth provider side.
- Client secret: Your client secret, required to authenticate on the OAuth provider side.
- Enable refresh token: Determine if the refresh token should be also fetched from the provider. By disabling it, users will need to re-login after the access token expired. By enabling it, frontend apps will be able to refresh the access token (Optional for flow: Saleor as a client for authorization server).
- OAuth authorization URL: Based on the authorization URL, Saleor will generate the redirect URL for the authorization request (Required for flow: Saleor as a client for authorization server).
- OAuth token URL: The URL used to exchange received OAuth code to the OAuth token (Required for flow: Saleor as a client for authorization server).
- JSON web key set URL: The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is a set of keys containing the public keys used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server (Required for both integration flows).
- User info URL: The URL which can be used to fetch user details by using an access token (Required for flow: Saleor as a resource server).
- OAuth logout URL: The logout URL which Saleor will return for frontend's logout request (Optional for flow: Saleor as a client for authorization server).
- Audience: The Oauth resource identifier. If provided, Saleor will define the audience for each authorization request. Used to fetch user permissions from OAuth provider and map it to Saleor's permission (Optional for both flows, but required if you use OAuth permissions).
- Use OAuth scope permissions: Use OAuth scope permissions to grant a logged-in user access to protected resources. Your OAuth provider needs to have defined Saleor's permission scopes in format _saleor:<saleor-permission> (Required for both integration flows).
- Staff user domains: The domains of the user emails, separated by commas, that should be treated as staff users.
- Default permission group name for new staff users: The name of the default permission group to which the new staff user should be assigned to. When the provided group doesn't exist, the new group without any permissions and any channels is created.
Using OAuth permissions in Saleor​
If Use OAuth scope permissions
is enabled, Saleor will request his own permissions as OAuth scopes. Each permission has the prefix saleor:
. If the user has assigned Saleor's permissions on the OAuth side, Saleor will grant them to the logged-in user.
Your OAuth provider needs to have an assigned audience with proper Saleor's permissions with prefix saleor:
List of all available permissions can be checked in the Permissions Enum
UserA has assigned permissions on the OAuth side -
, UserB has assigned permission -saleor:manage_users
. When UserA logs in to the Saleor using OpenID Connect plugin, the plugin will grant the UserA permissions to MANAGE_APPS and MANAGE_ORDERS. The UserB will have access to resources protected by MANAGE_USERS
If a user logs in via OAuth and is a staff member, they will be assigned to the default permission group if one has been set. The user's permissions will be the sum of the permissions granted by the OAuth and the Saleor groups to which the user has been assigned.
The user is considered as staff when:
- the user email domain matches any domain from
Staff user domains
, - the user has any Saleor's permission assigned on the OAuth side,
- the user is marked as staff on OAuth side by
The data in Saleor is protected by channel permissions. Therefore, to ensure that staff
members logged into Saleor via OAuth have the correct permissions, you should create
a permission group on the Saleor side without channel restrictions.
Set this group as the default permission group name for new staff users
The flow is shown in the chart below:
Email change​
Currently, the OIDC plugin does not support updating a user's email address while retaining the same identity. If the email address is changed at the identity provider, Saleor will treat it as a new account, resulting in the creation of a separate user profile. To maintain order history, addresses, and other associated data, a manual migration is required.