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Background Tasks

Some of the Saleor’s functionality depends on a task queue system to manage asynchronous and periodic tasks. We recommend using Redis as the message broker. For more information, please visit official Celery documentation.

Periodic tasks

Saleor uses Celery Beat as a scheduler to trigger background tasks at regular intervals. The task scheduler is required for proper operation.

  1. Make sure the CELERY_BROKER_URL environment variable is set for all services and points to the task broker. Again, we recommend using Redis as a broker database.
set CELERY_BROKER_URL="<broker url>"

An example of the Redis broker url, running on localhost and port 6379, looks like: redis://localhost:6379/0.

  1. Using the same container image, deploy Celery Workers by overriding the default command with:
celery --app saleor.celeryconf:app worker -E --loglevel=info
  1. Deploy exactly one instance of Celery Beat by overriding the default command with:
celery --app saleor.celeryconf:app beat --scheduler saleor.schedulers.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler 

Task Schedule

Below is a list of periodic tasks that Saleor runs, provided as a reference.

Tasks run in intervals:

Tasks run at specific time: